Man laying on back and snoring

Does Snoring Mean I’m Unhealthy?

Snoring is a common phenomenon that affects people of all ages. It’s often seen as a nuisance, especially for those who share a bed with a snorer. But beyond the inconvenience, have you ever wondered if snoring could be an indication of an underlying health issue? Could it mean that you’re unhealthy? The second blog…

Man in blue snoring

What is Snoring?

Sleep is a vital part of our daily routine, providing the necessary rest and rejuvenation for our bodies. However, for many people, sleep can be disrupted by a common but often misunderstood phenomenon – snoring. The question that arises then is – what is snoring? And more importantly, what causes it? In this three part…

Woman in bed with diary

How Do You Use A Sleep Diary?

Sleep is an essential part of our lives that significantly influences our overall health and well-being. However, many people struggle with sleep disorders and irregular sleep patterns, which can negatively impact their daily activities. One effective way to understand your sleep patterns and improve your sleep quality is by keeping a sleep journal or a…

Woman sleeping at desk

How Do I Know If I’m Narcoleptic?

Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that affects the brain’s ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles. It can cause excessive daytime sleepiness, at times, causing you to fall asleep suddenly. In some cases, it can even cause hallucinations. It’s estimated that up to 200,000 Americans have narcolepsy, but many are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. If you think…

Gray CPAP machine

What Does A CPAP Machine Do When You Stop Breathing?

A CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy is the most commonly prescribed and effective treatment for sleep apnea disorders. Sleep apnea is a serious condition that interrupts breathing during sleep. The cause is often because the throat or airways briefly collapse or something temporarily blocks them. To best understand how these machines help, we need…

Woman laying awake

When To See A Sleep Specialist

We all have trouble sleeping sometimes. The CDC has reported that 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep at night. How do you know when your sleeplessness is actually a more significant issue? Today we’ll discuss common sleep issues and important next steps you can take to make sure you’re getting optimal sleep so…

Man sleeping on white sheets

Is All Snoring Sleep Apnea?

If you’ve ever shared a room with someone who snores, you know how disruptive it can be. But many are surprised to find out that the person doing the snoring is also experiencing disrupted sleep. Snoring is the most common symptom associated with a severe medical condition called sleep apnea. Patients who suffer from sleep…